I created 3D model of Kid Merlion to use in my game app.
[Link: Game App from Lab7]
However, Kid Merlion is not so famous in the global wide. I believe that you know Merlion itself at least even if you don’t live in Singapore.
In Singapore, actually, some Merlions exists.
The most famous one is one staying at Merlion Park near Marina bay sands, and there are 2 Merlions there, one is Mom, and another is Kid. Then the Mom is the most famous Marlion. Behind her, there is Kid Merlion.
(This is Kid Merlion. Behind him, there is Mom Merlion.)
And following is Wire Flame image.
Actually speaking, I feel wire flame image is very cool for 3D model. Every time I’m so excited.
Next time, I’ll create Dad Merlion. Off course, it’s also for my game app.
[Original Japanese Site: http://blog.lab7.biz/archives/3399182.html]